Wednesday, April 04, 2007
  Don't say I never get you anything
Hours of fun for all the family
Unfortunately it's rigged and only your own score changes. But my flipping score of 42 is still the best I've heard of.

Meanwhile have posted a cleaned up version of K Cross Clan's Lib Dems on Fence Graphic HERE. Hat tip welcome.
Equal best, sorry.
Why are you AWOL again Will?

Meanwhile (in the same Guardian article) Gordon Brown's people are claiming he has 200 nominations in the bag. Meaning more than three candidates is arithmetically impossible. And is it a late April Fool's prank from New Labour HQ who say they are running the nominations like a gameshow! Mili Vanilli to win and then be exposed as a hoaxing mime artist? With svengali twiddler and fader Ablairio at the controls?
You never get me anything ...
Change your timeline to give the date. This one is making look like I'm stalking you ... I am like, but I don't like that being public knowledge.
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