Chris Paul and Alex Hilton - I salute you
Chris Paul - He's been getting himself into a little bother recently. First there was the Lib Dem councillor looky likey thing. Well I have news for people. There is a resemblence. It's fair comment. I personally have a complaint. I think CP was being far to easy on the Manchester Lib Dems. They are a complete waste of space, morally and politically bankrupt and couldn't run a bath let alone a city. So CP keep up the good work but stop being so kind to the scoundrels. I know that you are a labour lefty so prefer the carrot to the stick but really it is not your responsibility to make sure that Manchester Lib Dems get their five a day. So less carrott more stick please.
To those that don't like what he has to say. There is plenty of space in the blogesphere for your own blog. It's called free speech. I thought the fib dems were supposed to be in favour of that but as ever it turns out not to be the case. Please quit the synthetic outrage which doesn't really exist. It's pathetic and bullying. So stop it.
Alex Hilton - Some idiotic people have been taking offence at his post claiming Thatcher was dead. If people want to be that gullible that is there perogative but the idea that such news of national importance (I thought that would be a better word than celebration) is going to appear on Recess Monkey first is laughable whatever Mr Dale says about the chimps contacts in Downing St. I thought the whole incident rather amusing though I was taken aback at the vitriol of the tory boys reaction to the mickey being taken out of their favourite MILF.