Sunday, February 11, 2007
  Withington's comedy connections
Manchester Withington Labour people are singing like canaries ala CP's Fib Dems about the selection but it's all good stuff as they have a strong field of contenders to take on the rascal soon to be ex MP Leech. Personnally I think all the wannabe MP's seeking selection would do a better job than the lying toerag John Leech so i'm not to bothered who wins as long as they are up for what will be a magnificent campaign.

I know it's a small world in politics but apparently Jenny Lennox used to share a house with Nick Parrott ex PPC in Kingston and a friend of mine from Labour student days. I shall have to check the authenticity of this as I only got the information from a single, though very good, source and we know what trouble the Labour party can get in when relying on information from a single source.
You should provide your readers with some "singing like canaries" links you lazy old blogger!
PS That Ruth Turner was spotted conferring with kid brother Brendan at the Didders social on Saturday night. They sloped off early into the night, presumably for a master class in being proceedure secretary while visibly or in some cases risibly pulling strings for certain favoured candidates.
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