Will the real Nargis Khan please stand up
You were all thinking that this was the real Nargis Khan website but what about this. Has Nargis been keeping her showbiz talent hidden under a bushel or is showbiz Nargis an imposter?
¶ 2:32 am
Wow, show biz Nargis has the same birthday as me! Spooky. She certainly has my vote. And is it true that she once worked for the USDAW sponsored Minister Beverley Hughes who will put in a good word? Or is that another candidate?
What are you saying? showbiz nargis has the support of Bev H? what about real nargis?
I used to think that it was between LP, NK and a slightly longer shot but still in with a chance JL. Now with the emergence of Showbiz Nargis all bets are off. Who knows what the result is going to be.
There have been Jade Goody coven auditions at some of the nomination meetings I've heard. All the three parts - hubble, bubble and trouble - are now cast. But unfortunately they're not happy to let the erstwhile hero of the piece (Lord K - for it is he) and his appointed heroine (Lady P) in on the unhappy endings. Insanity and death beckon.
It's Lucy Powell who worked for Bev Hughes. The real Nargis is much nicer than showbiz Nargis... and she is more popular than showbiz Powell who up to now appears to be hiding somewhere stage right.
Newsflash: National Chair of Labour Students was an intern for Ms P. Is that in any shape of form connected to the paranoia and panic from London over tales of endorsements with menaces?
So ex-Labour Party employee, lets deconstruct that sentence. You using the word "bint" to describe a woman and the fact that you are an ex-employee of the Labour Party. Any connection between the two do you think. You arse!
Anyone want to see what Nargis looks and sounds like can go to YouTube and put Nargis Khan Withington in teh search or go to www.nargiskhan.com and click on the video clips.
Withington Labour Party members can see Jenny Lennox - one of the women who wants to be their parliamentary candidate - speaking from the platform at a major trade union rally in Manchester city centre on Wednesday (March 14). The event has been called by Organising for Fighting Unions and will discuss building solidarity for strikers, campaigning for better labour laws, and political representation for trades unionists. Jenny works for the National Union of Journalists. Joining her on the platform will be Bob Crow (general secretary of the RMT transport union and a member of no political party), Billy Hayes (general secretary of the Communication Workers Union and a Labour Party member), and George Galloway (Big Brother contestant and Respect MP). The event starts at 6pm with stalls and a buffet. The speakers start at 7.30pm. It's at the Mechanics Institute, on the corner of Princess Street and Major Street.