Friday, February 09, 2007
  Tory's and the Drugs Barons?
An excerpt on the sale of Smith Square from the Guardian

The freehold was sold on twice to offshore companies, ending up in the hands of a British Virgin Islands company, Platinum Overseas Holdings, which was owned by clients of the US bank, Citibank.

The secret owners of the company bought the freehold for £12.27m and sold it back to the Tories last year for £15.65m. The Tories say they do not know who the owners of the offshore company are and relied on assurances from Citibank that they were legitimate businessmen under the government's anti money laundering rules.

What's the betting that the Tories have just handed a bunch of drugs barons a £3m+ profit on money laundered assets? Why did the owners of Platinum Overseas Holdings need to hide behind a bank? Why should we trust Citibank? Can the Tories be so stupid as to give £15m+ to people they have no idea who they are? Yes is the simple answer.
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