Saturday, February 03, 2007
  18 and not for the first time.

The Doughty Street crew have been foolish enough to invite me back on. Next Tuesday evening I shall be pointing out the error of their ways now that the 18 Doughty Street website is calling their wee pad "truly is a home and not just an office or studio. It is the home of the conservative movement."

Well Parburypolitica doesn't approve of conservative movements, not one bit. For one thing a conservative movement is about as close as you can get in polite society to constipation. So he is more than happy to enter enemy territory to sort out the mess that CCO's little emissaries try to pollute the minds of good left thinking British folk with.
Yes conservative movements are even off the "Dr" Gillian McKeith scale of awfulness. Their Early Day Motions can be particularly yeuchy. Let's hope Thursday is the day the CPS tell Yates he's toast.

Will have to coincide a London visit with a Doughty shoot. Iain could invite that nice John Leech in for a chat about poisonous campaigning, fund- and loan-raising from the vulnerable older woman, burning your leaflets, and ignoring spending limits.

Ooops, sorry. make that Mi-fucking-aow. Easy mistake to make.
I would love to see a CP/JL face of on the Doughty street sofa!
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