Thursday, January 25, 2007
  Useless journos sink to new levels of ineptitude

This post is for the politically illiterate people who produce the London Lite paper. The paper edition carried this story about Ed Miliband objecting to an off licence under his flat. Ummm must be a slow news day but the dim wit journos decided to put a picture of his brother David next to the story with the caption "Noise fears: Ed Miliband" I suspect the cabinet office minister, that is Ed btw, is more concerned about never actually being recognised as anyone other than is brother. For the record David is the one on the left and Ed is the one on the right.
That's not the impression I got...
Why what impression have you got?
Ed tells everyone that bloody story about him and Tony Woodley at conference!
They're obviously related. But one of them is far more confident than the other (i.e. incredibly cocky) while the other has some noisy neighbours. Like the voluntary sector are going to engage and comply?
That nice Cllr "Chas" Glover the carpet bagger used to have a flat over A&K off licence in Chorlton - as well as no doubt maintaining little bolt holes in other wards and constituencies where his carpet bag may yet take him.

It pays to be local local local. This store has now got a licence until 1:30 am which is excellent as it is nearby.

And since Glover has flown the coup they and their customers haven't been troubled by his vile and unsavoury waste products, his "Naughty Boy Lives Here" diamonds in the window, or his 48-hour whizzy work stints followed by days of sleeping it off. The flat itself was too bijou for parties but it can be used as a staging point for the boys to get in the mood for what the Lib Dem hegemonic group-within-a-group allegedly get up to elsewhere.

Amjad and Ayub are excellent neighbours. And the extra but reasonably quiet activity around the shop will provide some natural surveillance and prevent violent crimes in the vicinity.

Ayub might have said: "We couldn't have applied for an extended licence until Lazy Glover moved out as he was dragging down the neighbourhood with his unsavoury habits, his disgusting house visitors plotting hoaxes, and his terrible mood swings and "runs" of desperate wild-eyed "work". Or not.
There is now another caption comp here.
I've heard the Tony Woodley story from Ed three times now. I'm either going to too many political events or he needs to get some new material.
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