Sunday, January 14, 2007

One of these photos is of the the secretary of state for communities and local government Ruth Kelly. The one on the left in case you were wondering and the other is Euan Blair, photo right, off spring of our present Prime Minister. Dammed if I can tell the difference though.
Euan wears more lippy and is known to be, ahem, more of a bacchanalian. Mrs Kelly has recently grown her hair in the style of the Ugly Rumours T Blair to help distinguish the two of them.
PS Are you sure that either of them is "on the left"? They could start receiving death threats if this gets round.
I believe blair junior went to work for the republicans in congress ... Like father like son?
She's got the deeper voice.
A public school education her's not her son's can have unhealthy effects on the vocal chords.
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