Wednesday, January 03, 2007
What do you get if you cross the movie Borat + the Labour party leadership election= Trotsky
So the other night, someone called my phone at 1 in the mornin saying 'hello, I am trotsky, I support John McDonnell...
All I can say is it wasn't me. I hope you told them to F off.
Trotsky would not support John! He would not support anyone else or their imperfect policies. Isn't that the point? Just ask Neal Lawson for clarification.
Neal being the one true trot. And so not able to bring himself to support anyone in the leadership contest. Interesting line from Lord Garden in yesterday's Guardian letters saying Neal should join Lib Dems. Wasn't that the same Lord Garden who opposed the war in iraq BECAUSE WE SHOULD HAVE ATTACKED OTHER COUNTRIES FIRST!!!! Iran and Syria since you're asking with N Korea also ahead of Iraq as I recall. Good old Lib Dems!!
So Neal is hoping that Gordon will get him a seat then?
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