Friday, January 19, 2007
  Ruth Turner
Having met Ruth I simply will not believe that she would do anything wrong. Ok I could believe that on occasion she might leave the red light on the TV on thereby destorying what precious little ozone layer we have left but dodgy corruption, selling peerages, abusing the office she holds. I say NO that's not our Ruth. She would have made a great Labour candidate for Manchester Withington at the next election if she wanted to do it but I suppose that is not going to happen now.
Great minds thing alike. Have just blogged the same story with a different take HERE. As well as bring on the side of the angels, apart of course from being a slave to the project, Ruth is a tough cookie. I've got Yates and Guido and that excitable man from the SNP playing Ahab and - though I concede it's not as pretty as a canary - playing the female lead. A leviathan among government relations advisors.
er Ruth playing the female lead
It's a bizarre situation they should be trying to get the organ grinder to shut up but they just take away the monkey.

Not that Ruth isn't a lovely monkey you understand
When you talk about organ grinder are you talking about those lewd Tories like Guido, forever spanking the monkey? Is that it? Ah, the joys of blogging at 2 am in the morning.
Or do you mean that man seen by Cherie spanking the monkey on a recent scurrilous TV show? Her look turning from admiration to contempt as she realised just what he was grooming in front of the mirror.
I was refering to the constitutional position of Number 10 staffers.

RT can't get people peerages.
The dawn raid was definately uncalled for and was theatrical. However it is clear that all parties have been abusing the vanity of rich men with offers of Peerages for hefty 'donations'. The refusal to come clean, offer a Mea Culpa and move on has left Ms Turner exposed as the fall guy. A case of a lie covering another ad infinitum, sombody gets caught out. This shabby practice has been going on for years, but it is now illegal and the Police must investigate if the Law of the land is to be upheld. The sooner Peerages and gongs are swept away the better. We are now faced with the Police hacking into Government Computers.
She does not stand a chance in Manchester Withington. If a sitting MP lost it, you'll never regain it when your vote is in trouble.

This isn't a political rant or an attempt to point score, just an obvious observation
Actually our vote isn't in trouble in withington. We need a 1% swing to labour at the next election to regain the seat. At the last local elections across the withington constituency we had a 6% swing to labour.

We have to make sure that we pick a good candidate but Withington is very winnable for Labour

This is because people are now starting to recognise what a lying and useless little shit John Leech (soon to be ex MP) is.
"but it is now illegal"

It has been illeagal since David Lloyd George in the 1920's got caught out selling gongs. Don't think there has ever been a successful prosecution though.
Ruth is purer than the driven snow!

But wasn't Tony 'a pretty straight kind of guy', who was going to be 'whiter than white'.

The whole loans business stinks. It was a means of by-passing the new donations act.

So why not think that an apparatchik could bend a few rules!
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