Monday, January 15, 2007
  Lib Dems support the BNP
This is pretty low even for the Lib Dems. They have decided to support the Nazi Ballerina.

Why Mr Younger-Ross should public money be used to support racists and facists? Why should the taxes of hard working muslims that your party has tried to win the trust of go to pay the wages of people who want to see them deported or worse? Not that I know what the finances of ENB are like but I bet it doesn't run at a profit "subsidy junkie" is probably more like it. The bit at the end is also good as they well no doubt have a different policy in Scotland.

You can check the original here but in case it disappears from the Lib Dems site I have a copy for your purusal and enjoyment here.

BNP ballerina should not lose her job - Younger-Ross
15 January 2007

Mr Richard Younger-Ross

Responding to the protests against Simone Clarke, the English National Ballet’s (ENB) principle dancer, over her membership of the British National Party, Liberal Democrat DCMS Spokesperson, Richard Younger-Ross MP said:

"Very few people would deny that the views of the BNP are deeply racist and worthy of our condemnation, but we should also remember that supporting the BNP or their views is not illegal.

"It would set a deeply worrying precedent if employment with publicly funded organisations depends on whether or not a person’s political views are palatable to the political and media establishment.

"We need to remember that this witch-hunt has provided the BNP with much more publicity than they would have otherwise received.

"The Liberal Democrats, while vehemently opposing the political beliefs of Simone Clarke, will nonetheless defend her right to hold them."

Applicability: this item refers to England and Wales. Due to devolution, detailed policy may be different in other areas of the UK.
But I don't think she should lose her job either Will. Griffin is I think certifiable. She may be too. But much as I support UAF and NAAR I think they may be on the wrong track here.

She's a fool, not scum. She is not a religionist in BNP terms. Her views had not been evident at all from her behaviour in a multi-racial company and mutli-racial relationship to boot.

She was outed by a journalist who spent six Guardian pages missing the points.

She should be taken to a safe house for dim ballerinas and have her views re-aligned to softer-racist UKIP or Old Tory ones. My thoughts on Simone's sad fourth column position are in a sad blog backlog which I need to sort out ...
PS I have come across lots of racist *behaviour* from libdemologists themselves. They may be protecting their own (barking) membership with this announcement of theirs.
"It would set a deeply worrying precedent if employment with publicly funded organisations depends on whether or not a person’s political views are palatable to the political and media establishment."

Might this Liberal wanker be worried that some organisations might find his party's barmy views unpalatable?!? I know I do! ;)
The idea of sacking an outed dim ballerina who isn't living her life by the bomb making, riot inciting code of the Griffins of this world (and hardly knows about this side of the damnable BNP) is not a good idea. Re-educating her and trying to win her over as a high profile refusenik is better politics by far. Similarly calling working class BNP voters - who may or may not "get" the nastiest part of the BNP meme - "scum" well that too is poor politics. To win these people's votes (and those drifted to the fibbbers or tempted by populist Tories) back for the people's party the people's party basically has to remember where it's coming from and correct where it is going to, which is not the direction of a labour movement party in the 21st century. IMO.
PS Other publically funded orgs and other activity and understanding profiles vs BNP would be a different matter.
I had never been on the BNP website until this Simone Clarke business. Like her I was surprised by how much I agreed with what they have to say.

I am not ready to vote for them but the sight of a nasty mob trying to intimidate her out of her job brings that day nearer.

The left have shot themselves in the foot by stooping to these tactics. Why not have a meaningful debate where all views and concerns are raised? That is what democracy is all about.
Persecuting any kind of artist, or indeed anyone else, because of her or his membership of a legal political party, however much we may dislike its policies and attitudes, is utterly despicable. Attacking an organisation (whether the English National Ballet or any other) because it employs someone whose politcs one disapproves of is even worse: it's every bit as bad as McCarthyism, which indeed used very similar tactics. Even the glib talk of the need for 'political re-education' of this dancer has an ominously authoritarian ring. Ms Clarke's politics are her own business. Campaign against the BNP, by all means, but leave Simone and the ENB alone to get on with the dancing.

This whole noxious campaign is a grim reminder of the self-righteous, bully-boy streak that runs through so much of the anti-racism industry and too many of its fellow-travellers. And the fact that the ENB gets a subsidy from public funds (like most other ballet and opera companies) is utterly and completely irrelevant: the subsidy supports ballet, not the BNP, and to pretend otherwise is political illiteracy -- or worse.

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