Saturday, January 06, 2007
  Lib Dems fall over on race
There is a view prevelant in society that the Lib Dems are some bunch of cuddly, slightly to the left of Labour people. I have to say i'm not convinced. Omar has been uncovering some dodgy goings on by Lib dems in charge of Camden council where the consultation for a massive (Labour government funded btw) school builing programme is being undermined as there is no ethnic monitoring of the consultation.

It may be incompetance or indeed it may be something more malign but what is clear is that the Lib Dems in Camden don't give a stuff about the educational chances of the areas ethnic minorities. Incidentially Bangladeshi's make up the a large part of the area and as they have the lowest educational achievement of any ethnic group perhaps they should start to give a stuff.

It should also be remembered that the Lib Dems have an atrocious record in representation of the ethnic minorities. Black or Asian Lib Dem MP's er no.
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