Monday, January 08, 2007
  Guardian cocks up by missing out Cruddas
I'm sure Alex Hilton is a very charming man. Judging by the patter he must have fed Jemima Kiss to get a story about Hilary Benn's deputy leadership's campaign in the Guardian Media section that is so blantantly biased, fawning and just plain ill informed he might just be to charming.

There are several things the article missed out. I would put a link but it is in the media section and you need to register. I got the print edition this morning.

1) Not mentioning the existence of Benn's biggest rival for the post Jon Cruddas. What did Alex forget to mention him?

2) Not mentioning that Cruddas has the support of much of the Labour Blogosphere. Not just this blog but also The Daily, Thalondondiaries, Newer Labour, Miranda Grell ,Omar Salem ,Kerron Cross et al

3) Not mentioning that Cruddas is the first candidate to do an interview on facebook

4) Not mentioning that Jon Cruddas has a great website that has more innovation in it than the shock news that Hilary Benn has updated his constituency site.

5) Alex Hilton's own site Labour Home has more than it's fair share of Cruddas supporters

Also i'm not sure how brilliant it was for Alex to describe Hilary Benn as "a bit square" but you promote him how you want Alex.
Yo Parbury! I'm not sure what to make of this lot. Only recently you were pushing Benn to go for the big job, presumably because of your regard for his potential. But now you are dissing him. Meanwhile if you take a look at Political Betting you'll find that they are calling it for Cruddas. But also predicting no coronation on the main game.
I'm still backing Benn for the leadership. I think he is in many ways a wonderful politician but I also think that he would be to busy being either leader or possibly foreign sec under brown to give the Labour party what it needs. Cruddas is the man for deputy.
Well, I'm still backing Jon Cruddas for Deputy Leader...and keeping my options open for DPM.

I said possibly Hilary as DPM a while back. And I stick with long as Jon gets the Deputy Leadership.

Jon has much to offer the party and the grassroots, plus he is a really decent guy. That means a lot to me, and I think it will play well with many other people too.
The Cruddas bandwagon just keeps on rolling.
I didn't write the piece! "Guru" is going to take some time to live down I think.

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