Fun with the bonkers brigade
Every so often a member of the bonkers brigade like to have a go at using my comments section. Not that I mind i'm pretty liberal about what I allow on here. Free speech and all that, however I do reserve the right to ridicule the ridiculous.
I'm in bold, though frankly I hope you could tell the difference without needing such distinctions.
My second attempt at this. Google must have a hangover, they are making more mistakes than I am.
Whoever "parburypolitica" is,
My name is Will Parbury, you may have guessed that from my email address which gets an mention every now and again on this blog.
I believe they are badly off beam over Globalisation.
Er, no i'm not. If you follow that advice, you will end up as Globalisation "Slaves".
Actually globalisation has raised the living standards of millions. If this is slavery bring it on. Globalisation is Capital And Politics.
That is a pretty weak definition. Globalisation is the increasing amount of human activity that takes place on a global or at least international scale. This involves not only trade and diplomacy but also culture, movements of people, communications and information technology.Without the crooked and corrupt Politician, Globalisation would not be possible.
Politicians are on the whole decent people committed to public service possibly with a touch of ego but not crooked or corrupt. Some aspects of globalisation are a politically driven project but much of it is driven by the reality of the remorseless march of technology for instance the invention of the internet.And the Taxpayers money is being used to fund the Capital Dominance by some in the commercial World.
What like the NHS or social security?And then the Commercial World is funding Political Parties.
Actually most of the Labour party's funding comes from the Unions and its members
How very Incestuous. It goes with the deviant and unacceptable behaviour of most of our MPs, Westminster, Whitehall and most of the rotten stinking mess that democracy has descended into.
Ah a Daily Mail reader. You wouldn't have thought reading that, that we live in a prosperous stable democracy where people's rights are given protection by the law and a welfare state but they are. Globalisation is an extention of "warfare" by other means.
No that is football.
It is dominanation. But this time we are on the losing side.
Actually it is a process of exchange that benefits both sides in the main.Already we have volunteered to destroy our Agriculture so that we are dependent on others for our Food. 80% of the food you are eating today is imported. What will you do if your supply comes to an end?
I shall grow vegtables in the back garden just like people did in the war. The fact is though the supply is not going to come to an end.Then gas, oil, coal, steel. We are dependent on the rest of the world for our very existence. And that was not by accident but design. Political Design.
We seem to be doing OK on it and somewhat better than North Korea which is the state closest to your vision of autarky. Removing the Power over Direct Taxation is about the only way you are going to put a stop to these would be Dictators.
Seems a pretty authoritarian response to me. What about indirect taxation does that stayEnding Direct Taxation is a very simple manoeuvre and is Peoperly Legal.The Welfare State had a noble objective in the begining. But Political corruption has destroyed that.
No it hasn't.My advice is, take the Politics out of the Funding of the Services,
Given that much of the British political debate has been about the size of the state taking the politics out of it going to in effect mean the end of democracy.and construct a Welfare Society. In the control of the Taxpayers. Not an sight.
Your dad, did he have a small mustache and speak German alot by any chance as it seems you want to be a little Hitler. Society will be my way or the highway – to hell with democracy that it what you are saying it seems to me.I do have a Blogspot, the URL:-
I thought you would haveHave a look at it, and the Organisations sympathetic to the idea of removing Taxation from the power of Government. The objective, is for you, the Taxpayers to take charge of Taxation. Setting the TaxRate, Collecting the revenue. Then the most important function of all, setting out and implementing a Spending Programme to Achieve a measure of Public Service deemed necessary.
So what you are saying is that people should become involved in the political process and hence become politicians? Which you earlier described as “crooked and corrupt”. Genius. That's for starters.
What there's more fun to come. Clearly this is a late Christmas present.Happy New Year to ALL.
At last we can agreeRegards,ATF.
Regards, Parburypolitica