Wednesday, January 24, 2007
  A Dale a day keeps the doctor in pay
Tory Central Office on the web is a bit annoyed about government ministers having a blog. Especially that it might actually cost some money.

Jim Murphy, a minister of state at the department of work and pensions has a blog. So does another minister of state at DWP James Purnell here. Clearly they are into blogging in a big way at the DWP. I wonder if John Hutton is going to get one.

As well as great issues of state we also get to learn some fascinating bits of goss. For instance Jim Murphy lets slip that John McFall MP who is the Head of the Treasury Select Committee is his former deputy headteacher. I hope all his homework was up to date.

If the DWP is interested I could run all there blogs for them on a commission basis. £1 a hit. I think it would be safe to say that dealing with major national issues rather than taking the mick out of useless Lib Dem soon to be ex MP's like John Leech I could get a fair bit more traffic than they do at the moment. They save money on the £2 a hit they are paying at the moment. I make a tidy sum. Everyone's a winner.
When you get some takers on that proposition Will I'm up for showing my serious side as a DWP under blogmeister. Why are they paying £2 a hit? Why are they paying anything?

Doesn't Dale link to and big up some Shadow Minister Bloggers like Redwood and Johnson?

Ga-ga and Ga-ga-est.
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