Thursday, December 14, 2006
  Your country needs you Chris P

There is a bit somewhere on Bloggers 4 Labour where you can suggest people who would be good as Labour bloggers. To be honest I can't be arsed to find it and I know that he reads these humble pages so Chris P the Labour blogosphere needs you.

Someday there will be another Tory government in this country. That is the stark reality is that it will to a huge amount of damage to the country but every cloud has a silver lining as this would be the ideal opportunity for a prolific Labourite to become the new Guido Fawkes. Chris P that could well be you. I can see the Tory ministers pulling there hair out thinking about how they can stop you tormenting them.

The thing is if you start now I think that it will be Labour ministers pulling their hair out and of course John Leech the waste of space for Withington. I also like the optimisim at the end of just some of the quotes you have put on the blog today, despite it being somewhat misplaced.

"Incidentally there is a cracking tale on the Lib Fibs blog about a scotch Lib Dem (geddit?) who asked a question - as did John Leech identically - about cluster bombs. Turns out this scotch man used to be a PR man for the firm that makes the damned things. And has visited them to encourage their industry since he was elected. And there was me about to finally catch Leech doing something right. But no. He asked a question in tandem with a cluster-bomb-hypocrite."

"I notice that Compass' EDM on the commercialisation of childhood has brand placement in its title and reinforcement in the form of further brand dropping in the body of the motion. Irony indeed."

"In fact the lowest five deciles of the whole school population don't get their five good passes. This is pretty strongly correlated with wealth and socio-economic status. Black British youth are over-represented in the lower reahes of wealth and jobs and the higher reaches of multiple deprivation. The differential between boys and girls apply through the whole gamut. But if we had universal comprehensives and less testing like Finland we might expect results of the lowest 70% to improve drastically. I pointed this out to Blair at a Big Conversation event in 2004 but he is yet to change the government's unwise pursuit of "choice" instead of "quality" and "equality". I'm sure he'll be doing it soon. He did not dismiss me with the contempt usually reserved for facile Lib Dem questioners like Leech at PMQs. Really he didn't."
Aw, shucks. I was about to launch a handful of blogs (why stop at one?) when my wireless network went down. Yet to be fixed I am now typing at my excellent civic library. Something which would inevitably be cut under Tories, Lib Con pacts etc.

Anyway, lack of network has not stopped me seeing some spirited blogging from an anonymous fellow traveller at Perhaps we should both be campaigning for Mr/Ms/Mrs Withington Observer to be joining the Labour blogosphere?
That Blog Link is here for your convenience.
Aw, shucks. I was about to launch a handful of blogs (why stop at one?)


Something which would inevitably be cut under Tories, Lib Con pacts

Omar Salem has stuff to say about the latest lib dem / tory cuts in Camden
Popular demand has brought forward a new blog name of Chris Paul's Labour of Love (LOL!). Other titles and many more posts will follow as soon as day follows night.
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