Monday, December 18, 2006
  Politics in Ireland

We tend to be rather obsessed about the minutiae of American politics in this country but there is another english speaking country across the ocean to the west who's politics we know very little about. Ireland.

Not only do their speaking English handy for us monolingual Brits they also have Guiness so what more do you need to get interested in Irish politics.

The website Politics in Ireland is a blog aggregator like bloggers for Labour but cross party I think. This may be like the proverbial new years resolution that last until February but shall endeavour to check it once in a while and inform myself a bit better about the politics of this wonderful country.
Spot on. There is an organisation entitled "The British-Irish Parliamentary Body" which is made up of the following numbers of parliamentarians. 25 UK, 25 Ireland, 5 Scots Parliament, 5 Welsh Assembly, 1 Isle of Man, 1 States of Jersey and 3 Northern Ireland Assembly (these are vacant, due to their Executive not having been set up). They do a lot of worthwhile Committee work, with reports fed in to the appropriate Governments (etc). They have two plenary sessions each year normally in Ireland and Britain. Whilst these are covered in the Irish Media (North and South), hardly anything emerges in the British Media.
Our Parliament's Northern Ireland Affairs Committee (also mainly ignored in Britain) also covers
issues of North-South interest.
The Irish Political Studies Association's journal is also of interest.
Irish politicians of any variety tend to be grateful for anyone who shows a detailed interest in their problems, even if they disagree with the viewpoint of the person concerned.
Shall point at this as part of my Green Theme for the day ... though speak for yourself about your paltry ignorance of the thing. My humungous IGNORANCE on the subject has been beaten into me on the corners and in the ginnels of Derry. Much of Brighton 05 was consumed trying to catch up with various mercurial Irish folk in bars to improve.
Cheers guys. Harry you are a gold mine of information. Chris P obviouly we have some catching up to do on Irish politics
Wow, thanks for the link. We're hoping to improve on it greatly in the next few weeks so it is easier to use.

Can I also suggest for another non-partisan politics website.
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