Free markets of religion
I don't suppose that I would, as a lefty liberal social democrat non believer, find many posts of a conservative southern baptist to interesting but this one is. It argues that religion is becoming like the free market with people picking and choosing religions according to personal whim rather than real conviction.
It reminded me of an article in the very excellent double christmas issue of The Economist on the growth of the pentecostal church. It argued pentecostalism filled an "ecstasy gap" left by more conventional Christianity and that it was gaining major footholds across the world in what seems like a very materialistic drive for supporters.
According to Wiki "Theologically, most Pentecostal denominations are aligned with Evangelicalism in that they emphasize the reliability of the Bible and the need for the transformation of an individual's life with faith in Jesus. Pentecostals also adhere to the doctrine of Biblical inerrancy." So what is in the good book is all good stuff. I'm not sure that I completely agree. Try this West Wing clip for size.
I've heard it said that the contrast between the US (where church-state separation is enforced but religiosity is rife) and the UK (where we have an established official religion but mostly more secular public life) illustrates the inefficiency of state-run enterprises compared with the private sector...
A point well made though I wouldn't always support the conclusion.
Without wishing to disrespect the pious, whose ranks include this writers mother if not himself, having the bishops in the House of Lords is a small price to pay for keeping them out of the house of commons.
I see religion as like shagging best kept a private thing that doesn't impinge on the public sphere.
Did you see that lovely drama about parents cheating the education system to get into RC schools? At one point the nun headteacher asks Mr cheat about his attitude to queers and his wife has to stop him by saying something along the lines of "you can't pick and choose". Anyway it was a very happy story with two dead and another wounded by the end and the child no longer at the church school. I "do" loads of US lists and feeds but have yet to find the blog time ro write about them ... some are overtly faith based ... unlike me