Saturday, December 30, 2006
  The blogs of war
One of the benefits of the blogesphere is that you can write about whatever you want. You don't have to convince an editor that your target market demographic is going to be hooked on your post on Albanian rug production 1925 -1935. Basically it is brilliant for experts to give us more detail than we get through the conventional press and media. I have been looking at some foreign policy blogs and two have stood out so I thought I would post them here.

Ok the US military is not strickly part of the world of diplomacy but is a huge factor in world politics, not least because it is the most lavishly funded in human history. As such it has lots of pieces of technology that are frankly quite scary. I think the best site for keeping up to date on this is Defensetech run by Noah Schachtman. It also has lots of info about other country's scary kit as well. For instance it was new to me that the Chinese has been using lasers against US spy satellites.

I was under the impression that the Japanese were six months away from being able to produce a nuclear weapon. Turns out i'm wrong at least according to Dr Jeffrey Lewis of Armscontrolwonk and lets face it he should know more about this than me. Apparently it would take them 3-5 years to go nuclear. His co-conspiritor Jane Vaynman is currently a Fulbright Fellow in Russia, based at the Carnegie Moscow Center. She invites ACW readers to come visit her in Moscow. The best time to do this is writes is around December or January when the weather gets really exciting and for the true nuclear weapons geek a “Moscow nonproliferation tour” will soon be available. Could we ask for more from a blog, I don't think so.
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