Monday, December 18, 2006
  The Bloggers candidate - Jon Cruddas
Jon Cruddas for Deputy Leader

Just in case you forgot who I and every other decent Labour blogger was backing for Labour Party Deputy Leader. This is a great opportunity for power in the Labour party to be redistributed to the members and activists rather than being decided around the cabinet table and the result a forgone conclusion before the ballots go out.

He is also bang on the money. Check out this

Hilary Benn get some balls and run for leader.
Nice to see someone thinking of a fresh face for what should be the big contest - the one for Leader. I am still pressing for Peter Hain to stand up. Back in 1978 with Simon Hebditch he started an Institute of Workers' Control pamphlet (called Radicals and Socialism) with the words "Socialism in Britain is under seige. Many battles which seemed to have been won, now have to be re-fought: witness the attacks on the welfare state and civil liberties, and the current celebration of the mythology of free enterprise". It would make a
valuable start to a 2007 Manifesto for the Leadership.
yeah, need to fix the link though. peep my blog for paraphrase interview so to speka off the back of the conference tomorro am. jon was, as alway, on form. I wanted to give my champers to him, just to hear him speak more, as well as him deserving it. he's a seriously seriously good egg. I hope he wins, we need characters of weight in the leadership and eputy leadership, and that what I find missing in both brown and mcdonnell.
For a blogger's candidate Cruddas seems to be hardly handling his keyboard Will. And Tony W and John H looked bored senseless in the slide show which shows a meeting with about 10 people at it. This is not inspiring. There is also a lack of positions beyond "make things better" in some vague way. This really isn't good enough and unless JC steps up a few gears it will be a case of John Who? But yes to Benn. Late, but before the marx-dna'd Milliband I hope. Who btw showed signs of that DNA by saying in the G that talking about climate change unilaterally was like not speaking of international socialism. And Meacher must of course cease and desist. He was sheepishly or cravenly LOYAL to Blair, not TAKEN IN by the dodgy dossiers and such like. Or if he was he should not only stop his DL/L campaign but also resign his seat asap. You'd have to be a complete idiot - JC - to be taken in by the dossier and rhetoric.
Ooops. When I tapped "John who?" I meant "Jon who?". We all know who John Harris is. And the NUJ are still waiting for his subscription, having waived the customary but tedious for a busy boy requirement for cuttings in his case.
My internet is down so wont be posting til computer scientist lil bro sorts it out hopefully tonight. In a internet cafe at £3 per hour! southern prices eh. It was a £1 an hour on the Curry mile.

In the mean time i'm reading Aneurin Bevan's In place of fear and very interesting it is to but more on that later.
Do you live in a Tory or Fib Dem area? Under Manchester Labour we can get two hours, bookable up to a month ahead, but split into no more than 2 stints, every single weekday and sat, at all our public libraries. Last time I went they were also giving away coffee, tea and mr kiplings exceedingly nice cakes, for the little baby jesus' upcoming birthday they said. Then they got their coat. We're about to get free broadband wireless throughout central city areas ... Come on London, get with the programme!
Actually i'm at the folks in Bath. Lib Dem for ages and utterly shite as a council. Their waste on the new Bath Spa has been immense.

Not sure about the hours in the library as you have to be a member which i'm not any more but to use the internet you have to stand up so not many people will do that for 2 hours.

Crafty rascals
Unfortunately we all know who that tosser John Harris is. Goood on Wythenshawe ClP and the good blairite councillors from 1 particular ward (not mentioning any names), Chris u definitely know who they are for having a right go at John. I think its a bit ridiculous that many activists had just fought a gruelling general election campaign whilst he had sepnt his time writing a book encouraging people to vote for the lib dems.
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