Wednesday, November 22, 2006
  Toynbee not Churchill my arse
This nearly had me choking on my cornflakes. Considering that Polly Toynbee is somewhat to the left of the more Blairite elements in the Labour Government and my own political views are not quite but nearly a wholly owned subsidiary of her Guardian columns I find it incredible that the Conservatives are trying to claim her as their own.

The best thing for the country would be if they actually signed up to what she was arguing for but I fear this is not a genuine conversion. Liked the lapsed religious discovering god in order to get there child into a decent school only never to return to the pews once the acceptance letter lands on the door mat. This is cynical political positioning of the lowest order and deserves to be exposed as the ridiculous claptrap it is.

The problem with compassionate conservativism is that it very quicklt loses the compassion and concentrates on the conservatism. It was a strategy that was followed by GWB in the states and they are trying to engineer a British version to regain power at any cost.
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