Friday, November 03, 2006
  Huq in poll position as race starts
The race to be Labour's parliamentary candidate in Bethnal Green and Bow has taken an interesting turn as the BBC politics website has profiled one of the leading contenders. It would be wrong to assume even if it's an open shortlist that the constituency will automatically select a man after all ability counts and this lady has it by the bucketful.
I wonder what Oona King thinks to Dr Huq hawking herself around like this?
At the end of the day Oona lost what had been a safe labour seat for many decades so of course there is going to be selection and people are going to put themselves forward. Politics is a tough old game.
Anyone who wants to stand for selection in this seat has to have a death wish. There'll be blood on the carpet before any of the "ruilng" men give way to Dr Huq or any other female. Members of Bethnal Green and Bow prepare yourselves for war!!!!
It was an open shortlist last time with Oona I think and they selected a women.
Good luck to whoever stands. Lets get it back off that bastard Galloway.
Rupa would be a great MP for Bethnal Green and Bow.

Down with Galloway!
It does seem to fit in the seat with the most bangladeshi voters in the country to have a bangladeshi MP. Especially a v. capable one to and electing the first asian women to parliament, a place in history what more do you want from a selection meeting.
Apropos earlier comment by Kerron, I spoke to Oona K in the week. She told me she is not pissed off at me and not standing.
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