Tuesday, October 31, 2006
  Keith Bradley in hospital shock!
Fortunately this is good news. Keith Bradley the former MP for Manchester Withington and recently enabled Lord is to become a member of the Christies Hospital board. This news brings extra pleasure to those who know about the election campaign in Manchester Withington where the campaign of now MP John Leech by name, Leech by nature, was an example par excellence of Lib Dem bare faced lying cheating misleading disreputable scaremongering if ever there was one.

What they did just before election day was to say that Christies was going to shut. There was never any indication that this was infact the case. It was sheer scaremongering of the lowest order and then that oiky little toad for an MP Leech gets elected by a few hundred votes.

I say role on the next election. The Lib Dems nationally are going down, and the gloss has well and truely come off Leech so the next candidate for Labour in Manchester Withington will be well placed to take the seat back. There are also some interesting financial aspects to politics in Manchester Withington the lady who bankrolled to the tune of 20K Leech's last election campaign has defected to Labour. The CLP in Withington is also getting it's act together. They had Neil Kinnock in for a fundraiser which rasied 6K. So come the next general election I sincerely hope to see Manchester Withington as a Labour gain.
Leech, watch your seat cos we are coming to get you. You have no politics, you stand for nothing and you are a part time MP.
He is a complete wally by all accounts. Who will be the Labour candidate next time - has the race started?
Not officially but as you know these things start shortly after the previous MP gets elected even if they are set for a thirty year stint.

Apparently it's going to be an AWS but had no official confirmation of this
Trust me it will be and it will be an outstanding candidate. Just the right person to counteract the crap that Leech comes out with.
care to name names Adele?
No, but they will be a top candidate with a great campaign machine behind them.
I expected an AWS cause none of the other Manc MBC MPs are women.

I always fancied Ruth Turner, exceptional candidate, active locally prior to going to number 10 etc. but not sure even she can come back from the brink.

I cannot think of any other outstanding women in the constituency although its been a few years since I lived there. I would have liked Coun Jeff Smith who could've followed Keith footsteps from Old Moat.
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