Sunday, July 09, 2006
  The Homer Simpson Energy Option
Recently Peter Hain put his head above the parapet to go on Newsnight to say he wasn't massively convinced by Tony's conversion to the joys of the Homer Simpson energy option: nuclear. Personally I remain to be convinced as well as we simply haven't put enough effort in to the alternatives. I think that a lot more ambition is required. Otherwise we risk losing some important electoral ground not only to the Greens / Fib dems but to the Torys for crying out loud. We will also be left with radioactive waste for thousends of years and some brilliant targets for terrorists.

Thers is also the question of the massive financial cost. Whatever is said about government not picking up the bill now. Remember the claim of "electricity to cheap to meter!" when nuclear was first proposed. The government will always get lumbered with the waste. The generating company's will eventually go bust and it will be muggins tax payer that take it in the wallet.

So I sent Peter a little email congratulating him on his actions and got this one back.

Dear Will

I am a strong personal advocate of renewable energy and, as I stated on Newsnight, I believe it is significantly preferable to the widely advocated option of new nuclear power stations. Should it be unquestionably proven that additional nuclear energy is necessary to keep Britain's lights on, I will endorse it, but believe it must be coupled with a commitment of equal significance to renewable energy sources. To develop the sustainable answer to our energy requirements that I believe we need, we must set ambitious targets, with investment to match, in the development and use of technologies such as solar energy, photovoltaic panels, wave and tidal power, geothermal heat pumps, biomass; as well as clean coal with carbon sequestration. I am seeking to do this in Northern Ireland and promote this approach in Wales.

Our government has a proud environmental record and we must ensure this continues. Our opponents are trying to jump on the environmental agenda and it is important that as a government we respond to this by continuing to show real leadership, not least in tackling climate change.

Best wishes

Peter Hain
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